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Welcome Students and Guardians!  You have been selected to receive a STEM Flight experience, and here is the information you will need to accomplish your Mission.

Before your Flight:


Your Pilot Mentor has been assigned to you and will contact you via email to set up a phone call. This phone call will last around 10 minutes and give you the opportunity to get to know your Pilot Mentor. For the best experience, please have the student and guardian on the phone at the same time. Your Pilot Mentor will go over what you will need for the flight and determine a date and time that works best.


Download and read the STEM Flights Youth Policy.  You do not need to sign this document.

Download, read, and sign our Liability Waiver, email back to or give to your Pilot Mentor the day of the flight.





Download, print, and read the Student Checklist.  Bring this document with you to your STEM Flight experience.








Take the STEM Flights Survey within 48 hours of your flight experience. This survey, or a version of it, will be emailed to you on an annual basis to track STEM education and career selection of the student. This important part of our program is essential for research and funding for future STEM programs.  Your survey will be emailed to you to complete online.


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